Show Home Oil & Acrylic Watercolor Mixed Media Pastel & Graphics Photography/Digital Sculpture & 3D
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First Place $200
The Met by Gregory Radionov
Second Place $100
Merlot In The Morning by Yolande McAlevey
Third Place $50
Helix by Linda Shaner
Magnolia By Kyong Cassell
Waiting for the Wind by Lee Zimmerman
Evie by Yolande McAleve
Pumpkins and Barrels II by Linda Shaner
Met tour by Gregory Radionov
Bistro by Joseph Addotta
Funk Zone by Thomas Hoerber
Spring Thaw by Carl Turnbull
The Legend-Kobe Bryant by Stella Kwan
Poetry In Motion by Yolande McAleve
Delicious Apples by Don Ferre
Full Stride by Nancy Whitlock
After the Storm by David Deyell